Student Disability Accommodations

There are three components to the accommodation process: disability registration, request submission, and an interactive discussion with all stakeholders.

1. Disability Registration

To be considered for an accommodation, the student must first meet the standards of being a student with a disability.

  • First, the student should reach out to the appropriate contact in their educational program to be provided with an application for Disability Services (please refer to the Student Services website for current contacts). This form begins the student’s official request and requires that they agree to WCM’s release of information and confidentiality policies. The accommodation process will not move forward until they have completed this document.
    • Along with the form, the student may also submit a relevant and recent note from a medical professional or other evidential documentation.
  • Once the form (and any supporting documentation) is received by the Student Accommodations Coordinator, a preliminary meeting will be scheduled.
    • The student should come prepared to discuss their entire situation, including:
      • Their disability as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, New York State Human Rights Laws, and New York City Human Rights laws.
      • Barriers to success in their program that are created by the condition(s) that they are experiencing.
      • Specific symptoms of their condition(s) that would be alleviated by the accommodation.

2. Request Submission

  • Once the student is determined to qualify to receive an accommodation, they will have the opportunity to refine their request with the Coordinator.

    • Through discussions, the student and the Coordinator will determine what accommodation would be most feasible and the best fit for their disability.

3. Accommodation Discussions

  • To satisfy the student’s request, there will be an interactive dialogue with the appropriate department(s)  to determine an accommodation. During this process, the Coordinator will communicate on the student’s behalf and provide the appropriate updates.
    • Unless extenuating circumstances arise, the student’s condition(s) will not be shared.
  • Once an accommodation has been negotiated with the appropriate department, the student will be notified. This accommodation may differ from their original request.
  • If the student requires an extension or adjustments to the accommodation(s), they are responsible for reaching back out to the Coordinator. Additionally, the student may be required to sign or complete additional forms (e.g., a leasing agreement if there has been a change in their residential unit).

Note:  It is against WCM policy for any staff or faculty member to retaliate against a student who has requested/been granted accommodation. If they experience retaliation, please report this to the Coordinator immediately.

The Medical College and the Graduate School of Medical Sciences of Weill Cornell Medicine are dedicated to providing equal educational opportunities for students with disabilities. Federal law states that no qualified student will be excluded, denied participation, or subjected to discrimination from any program or activity. Information regarding Weill Cornell Medicine’s student disability services can be found at:


Frequently Asked Questions


Should I disclose my condition to faculty?

No. It is strongly recommended that students do not disclose their disability, medical status, or treatment plan to a faculty member. It is only necessary to share this information with the Student Accommodations Coordinator.


Is it okay for faculty to ask for “proof” of my disability?

No. Faculty members are not entitled to a student’s disability or medical documentation. If a student is registered as a student with a disability with the Office of Institutional Equity and has been approved for an accommodation, they have provided all necessary documentation. If requested, students should provide their registration with the Office of Institutional Equity and accommodation letter. Any WCM faculty or staff member asking inappropriate questions should be reported to the Student Accommodations Coordinator (Devin Sullivan).

Do I need to let faculty know that I will be using an academic accommodation?

Yes. While course or clerkship directors have already been informed by the Office of Institutional Equity of a student’s accommodation, the student should introduce themselves and their approved accommodation. This initial contact will provide the opportunity for the student and faculty member to confirm protocols and expectations. The student should include the Student Accommodations Coordinator (Devin Sullivan, [email protected]) in any correspondence with faculty regarding their accommodation.   

How do I let a faculty member know when I’m using my accommodation?

  • For attendance accommodations, a student should notify their faculty member via email prior to or after their disability-related absence. The email should include a reminder of the accommodation/the student’s registration with the Office of Institutional Equity and any concerns regarding missed material. The email should not include the student’s diagnosis/medical condition or an apology for the use of their approved accommodation.
  • For exam or coursework accommodations, a student should notify their faculty member via email if they are unable to make a deadline or complete an exam, due to their disability. The email should contain a reminder of the accommodation/the student’s registration with OIE, the extension requested, and a make-up proposal. The email should not contain a student’s diagnosis/medical condition or an apology for the use of their approved accommodation.

The student should include the Student Accommodations Coordinator (Devin Sullivan, [email protected]) in any correspondence with faculty regarding their accommodation. 

Do I need to make up course or lab work that I miss due to an accommodation?

Yes. A student should be proactive in the making up of any missed material by communicating with their faculty member or relevant course staff. This includes obtaining notes/lecture materials, scheduling make-up exams, and completing lost lab or clinical hours. The student should include the Student Accommodations Coordinator (Devin Sullivan, [email protected]) in any correspondence with faculty regarding their accommodation.  

My roommate is receiving a housing accommodation. Will it apply to me, as well?

No. Housing accommodations are granted on an individual basis, due to a student’s disability; they do not apply to other unit occupants. For example, while your roommate may receive a new housing assignment due to an established disability, you will remain in the original unit.

Will my roommates be informed if I request and/or receive a housing accommodation?

No, your accommodation status remains with the Office of Institutional Equity and the department(s) necessary to fulfill your request. If you and your roommate simultaneously place a request, you will not be updated on the status of their file.

Weill Cornell Medicine Office of Institutional Equity 575 Lexington Ave, 6th FL New York, NY 10022